Showing posts with label Hickock. Albert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hickock. Albert. Show all posts

Sunday, October 20, 2013

bus ride

authorAlbert Hickock
series/number- / -
publisherTele-Foto Publishing Corp.
218 West 47th Street, New York 36, NY.
year (pages)1958
coverGene Bilbrew
note"Bus Ride" was an original 1958 steamy novel illustrated with 11 full-page black & white pinup drawings by celebrated fetish artist Eugene "Gene" Bilbrew. This rare digest-sized (5 1/2" x 8 1/2") square-bound softcover book was published by Tele-foto, who was at one time located at 218 West 47th Street in Manhattan. Or at least they received mail there, that is the address on a mail order advertisement at the end of the book. They distributed the digest-sized books of mobster Eddie Mishkin, and utilized the talents of Gene Bilbrew and Eric Stanton as illustrators. A very rare original First Edition of an original story, "Bus Ride", written by Albert Hickock, told the story of "Rita" "who wore a tight skirt and sweater" on her trip to the big city. The books front and back covers were both illustrated by Gene Bilbrew along with 11 inside pages. "Bus Ride" was apparently successful enough to merit a sequel titled "Amours of an Actress". Both are extremely scarce titles with very few copies around today.

  • Private Edition / PE 381

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  • pb-000380

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  • 2023-04-02-002